Top 10 Secrets to Deep Cleaning Your Home the Quick and Easy Way

Deep cleaning the house can be a big, challenging task but there are actually lots of ways to do it fast! Check out these top 10 secrets to deep cleaning your home the quick and easy way.

Assess the House and Make a Plan

It can be a daunting task when you don’t know where to start. So, assess your house and make a plan of what to do first, when to do it, what goes next, and what you want to achieve. Also, it would be a good idea to let the other people in the house join in the fun, errrr, work.

Do it Room by Room

Don’t expect to finish deep cleaning in just a day, unless you live in a small studio house with sparse furniture. Try to divide the schedule and do it room by room.

Use Proper Tools and Cleaning Materials

Brushes and heavy duty scrubs are best at cleaning the toughest dirt off while soft cloth might be needed for the furniture. You will also need the right cleaners, but detergent is perfect for removing tough dirt on the walls and floors.

Clean the Dirtiest Parts First

Unsure of where to start? Clean the dirtiest parts first – this could mean the kitchen or the stock room. While some would say it is nice to see a lot of progress to keep you going, it is actually more satisfying to see a really messy, dirty room look great again.

Clean from Top to Bottom

Start with the ceilings and other hard-to-reach areas before moving down so that you won’t keep repeating the cleaning job. Include the ceiling fans and lights or other fixtures, too.

Make Dirty Appliances Shiny Again

You’ll be surprised at how shiny your appliances can be once you deep clean them. Baking soda is a great cleaning material for removing grease and other tough dirt.

Include the Furniture

Don’t forget the furniture! Dust often accumulates under the chairs and tables. A vacuum cleaner would really come in handy for cleaning the sofa.

Clean Windows and Doors

Brush or wipe windows and doors, making sure to include every nook and cranny of the carvings and corners.

De-clutter Closets and Cabinets

While you’re at it, it is also a good idea to de-clutter your closets and cabinets. Throw away items that are no longer useful, especially expired stuff!

Organize Your Home

So that you can keep the nice, clean look of your house, keep it organized. There are plenty of nice containers you can use to organize your shelves, pantries, and even the closet.

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