Everyone needs some personal space, some alone time to get away from it all. For many years, men have had man caves, it’s a personal sanctuary for men. Now, women are getting their own personal sanctuary in “she sheds”. Take for example Sandy Foster, who transformed an old hunting cabin into her own personal paradise.
Foster’s “she shed” is just 120 feet, but it’s all the space she needs to relax and recharge. She even needs to walk to the mountainside to get there, but Foster doesn’t mind at all.
The feeling is kind of. I just want to do this — woo hoo! That’s the feeling.
Foster claims that all the time she spends alone on her shed gives her the peace and calm she needs. She even claims that it has helped her marriage.
These “she sheds”, like Foster’s, are now becoming a popular trend for many married women. Small, unique, individualized spaces for women to get away from it all.
Dr. Jane Greer, a Psychologist, says these tiny spaces serve a very important purpose for women.
When you’re depleted by giving to your partner, to your family, to everything, and everyone around you, you need to be able to give to yourself, and this is a great way to do it.
This trend among women has gained approval not only among women, but among men as well. “I think the trend is acknowledging that men and women, couples, need space, and I think it’s good to honor that”, a man from New York said.
If women can find a spot of their own to collect themselves and to have some peace and quiet, everyone is going to benefit from that.
Watch the video here:
Man Caves
Even before there were “she sheds”, men have always wanted their own space in what they call as “man caves”. These personal spaces for married men have been popular since the early 1900s. One of the most popular man caves was U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt’s man cave which he decorated with his hunting trophies.