DepEd Needs at Least 53,000 Teachers… Science and Technology Graduates Welcome!

With the full implementation of the K-12 education reform program, the Department of Education (DepEd) needs to fill at least 53,000 teaching positions across the Philippines – amazingly, 36,461 teaching positions are available for the senior high school (SHS) program alone, with the rest needed in the elementary and high school levels.

From 2010 to 2016, DepEd has already hired 195,302 public school teachers but with the full implementation of K-12, the department needs to hire more people; thus, if you are looking for a job or unsure of what career path to take, perhaps a career as educator might be something of interest to you.

Education Secretary Leonor Briones says that DepEd is in need of ‘a huge army’ of Science and Math teachers – and the department is willing to give “above entry-level salary grades to graduates of Science and Technology courses under the junior level science scholarships of the Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute.”


These qualified professionals will be hired under “Special Science Teachers” and would earn at least Php21,436 under salary grade level 13. This is made possible through Republic Act No. 10612 or DepEd’s Fast-Tracked S&T Scholarship Act of 2013.

DepEd will also ensure that teacher-scholars will undergo a teacher training program that would qualify them to take the Licensure Examination of Teachers (LET) so they can keep their job as teacher under the program.

Of the department’s P567.56-billion budget for 2017, P15.5 billion is allocated for hiring 53,831 teachers next year.

So, if you’re a graduate of a Science and Technology course, you can apply at DepEd even if you still haven’t taken education units! Good luck!