Woman Nearly Dies Because of a Hair Tie

A young mother from Louisville, Kentucky almost died after wearing a glittery hair tie on her wrist.

Like most women, Audree Kopp carries a hair tie on her wrist when she’s not using the hair accessory. Little did she know that this almost cost her life.

Apparently, the glitter on the hair tie on Audree’s wrist caused invisible scratches on her skin. Because of this, the bacteria present in her skin penetrated and infected her wound. Several days later, Audree developed a huge lump about a size of a quarter on her wrist.

Upon visiting a doctor, Audree was told that “it was no big deal” and was only given a round of antibiotics. However, Audree found that the lump has become bigger and painful when she woke up the next day. This prompted her to got to the ER where she was rushed to another hospital for an emergency surgery.

It turns out, Audree was infected by three types of bacteria and barely escaped a life-threatening condition called blood poisoning or sepsis. Doctors, were even shocked that the infection hadn’t spread to her bones and tendons.

“I didn’t believe it at first, I thought that it was a spider bite or something else, not from wearing a hair tie,” Audree said.

According to Dr. Amit Gupta, a member of Audree’s medical team, carrying ties around your wrist may cause skin problems and serious infection.

“If you DO want to wear hair ties on your wrist… make sure they’re the plastic no slip ones I posted. And make sure when washing your hands… you go up your wrist and wash the tie,” Dr. Gupta warned.

Watch the report.

Wearing Hair Ties Can Damage Your Hair

Although hair ties can save women from a bad hair day, there are a couple of ways that this accessory can bring damage to your hair.

Here are some ways hair ties can ruin your hair, according to Marie Claire.

  1. It can lead to permanent receding hairline if you wear your hair super tight.
  2. Ultra-high hair styles in ties can cause headaches.
  3. Hair ties with metal fastening causes hair breakage.
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