WATCH: American Children Try Pinoy Food for the First Time

Filipino food, just like other Asian cuisines like Chinese, Korean, Thai and Japanese, is slowly becoming popular even in other countries. These days, many traditional, modern and fusion Filipino restaurants are now recognized by food experts across the world.

While many claim that Pinoy food is the next best thing, the team behind WatchCut Video decided to see what these “critics” have to say about Filipino cuisine. And what better way to get the most brutally honest reactions but to get American kids eat our favorite local dishes like dinuguan, tuyo, balut and taho.

Of course, the team behind the viral video made it extra challenging for the kids by making them guess where the strange dishes came from. Considering they’re not well-exposed to different cuisines, it was extremely hard for the adorable youngsters to guess the origin of the exotic dishes.

But one of them had a pretty good hunch as her mom happens to be from the Philippines.

“I have a feeling about this because of these. It reminds me of something my mom usually likes,” the young girl said.

When the kids were told what they tasted, one of them was in total disbelief after learning what dinuguan really is.

“Pig’s blood? Blood can’t be solid. I’m sorry, I don’t believe you,” the young boy protested.

Although the children reacted differently, all of their reactions are certainly adorable.

Watch these kids try our beloved delicacies.

What is dinuguan?

A popular Filipino dish during fiestas, dinuguan is a Pinoy stew made of pork meat cooked in pig’s blood, spices and vinegar. Traditionally, bits of pig’s ears, snouts, kidney, large intestines and liver are added to the dish. It is commonly paired with puto or steamed rice cake.