Fed up with life and bad experiences she got from her peers, Zuly Sanguino of Bogota, Colombia climbed up to a fourth floor terrace, determined to end her life but an angel arrived in the form of her mother who saved her in the nick of time.
But who would have thought that a girl born without limbs, raped and bullied as a child, and a suicidal person at some point would turn her life around and become a stunning inspiration to others?
Zuly best exemplifies the adage, “as long as there is life, there is hope”.
Born with tetra-amelia syndrome wherein her arms and legs failed to develop, Zuly experienced a lot of hardships throughout her life. Even today, she still has to rely on other people for some things that she couldn’t do herself because of physical restrictions yet she has become one of the most admirable motivational speakers in her country.
Despite having experienced the worst of evils while growing up, she managed to get past those experiences to become an inspiration for others. Zuly readily admits that her mom is her angel who was not only there for her, especially during her lowest moments but had also motivated her to be strong, to learn how to live independently, and to have confidence in herself so she could inspire others!
Even at a young age, Zuly was taught by her mother, Guillermina Sanguino, how to do chores at home. Zuly made her bed and helped around the house because Guillermina wants her child to survive when she is no longer alive.
Today, Guillermina is very proud of what her daughter has become for not only is Zuly a wonderful motivational speaker, she is also an independent woman and an accomplished painter! You’ll have to watch her paint with her mouth and produce the most awesome works of art one could ever dream of!
Check out her story in this video by Barcroft TV: