In life, we learn a lot of lessons – but often, this happens after something happened; hopefully, that “something” is not as terrible as an accident or something really, really painful.
In this hilarious video by Wong Fu Productions, two people were at the park. Each of them liked the other and gave out various signs of their growing interest; however, the longer they gave each other sidelong glances, the more they were making assumptions about the other one.
Because of these wrong assumptions, they actually missed the chance to meet each other and hang out…But what is quite hilarious is the way they were thinking, the assumptions they were making, and how they made the wrong conclusions out of the wrong assumptions they made.
The clip’s theme is about romance but could easily translate to other aspects in life. The lesson here is for us never to make assumptions about anything – because, chances are, those assumptions are never true!
Intimate Relationships
There are many different kinds of intimate relationships, including special bonds between parents and kids, between lovers, and even between close friends.
As social beings, humans crave intimate relationships. We want to belong to a group but we also want to have a partner in life. Of course, this does not always hold true for everyone but most people would want to experience intimate love from another person.
You might laugh at this but over 2,300 years ago, Aristotle was able to decipher intimate relationships, arriving at a conclusion that “relationships were based on three different ideas: utility, pleasure, and virtue.” Somehow, we knew that all along but having a well-known philosopher put it into words is something else, right?
According to Aristotle, relationships based on utility exist because of the assistance as well as “sense of belongingness”. Meanwhile, relationships based on pleasure are popular because of the “feelings of pleasantness”.
The longest lasting relationship, however, is based on virtue. Aristotle claimed that this is the only type of relationship wherein each partner was “liked for themselves”, not just for the material things he/she can give and the pleasure the other partner derives from the relationship.