Scientists Reveal You Could Lose Weight in Your Sleep

Believe it or not, you could burn calories at the comfort of your bed while you’re sleeping.

A team of scientists at the University of Iowa recently discovered that gut bacteria is responsible for nightime calorie burning. The team is hoping that the new approach will lead to new treatments of obesity.


In the study led by Dr. John Kirby, the scientists found that healthy levels of microbe in the gut results to burning calories while we sleep. This was determined by studying the effects of an antispychptic drug called risperidone. The drug, which is used to treat autism as well as psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, causes significant weight gain in patients.

In a previous mice study, Dr. Kirby’s team found that risperidione causes weight gain when used in long term since it leads to a significant shift in the composition in the gut bacteria.

In the new study, the researchers attempted to explain how risperidione-induced micro biome shift leads to weight gain.

“With the risperidone, the mice become obese and exhibit an alternative, less healthy shift in their microbiome,” Dr. Kirby explained.

“With this study, we now have a mechanism for how a shift in the microbiome contributes to weight gain, and it’s to do with changes to the resting metabolic rate,” he added.

Drugs that Cause Weight Gain

Are you still clueless as to why you are still gaining weight even if you’re on a diet. Some drugs, if taken on a regular basis may contribute to weight problems.

Here are some drugs that could probably explain you are mysteriously getting extra pounds, according to

  1. Anti-depressants such as paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine and venlafaxine
  2. Anti-diabetes drugs
  3. Oral contraceptives
  4. Steroids particularly adrenocorticoids
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