Loving Boyfriend Surprises GF, Checks Out Her Entire Online Shopping Cart

A loving boyfriend surprises his girlfriend as he checked out her entire online shopping cart! The girlfriend was so surprised and happy – and many girls kept tagging their significant others in hopes that they would also do the same thing…

Boyfriend’s Surprise Gift

A lot of us love to browse on online shops to see items that we might wish to buy in the future. Many of us even click ‘Add to Cart’ to keep the items on the list, without actually buying everything.

boyfriend surprises girlfriend

Photo credit: Andrew YQ / Facebook

For us, the online shops have become a place of comfort as we enjoy window shopping to our hearts’ content, without having to worry much about spending time walking at the mall to find all that stuff.

A Malaysian guy who goes by the name Andrew YQ on Facebook had wanted to do something big to surprise his girlfriend, Tan Chia Yen. Knowing that she loves to do online shopping, he decided to check out her entire shopping cart! Talk about being soooooo generous, huh?

boyfriend surprises girlfriend

Photo credit: Andrew YQ / Facebook

According to Andrew, his girlfriend loves to out stuff she likes in her Taobao cart but doesn’t really check out everything because she doesn’t want to spend all that money. She just enjoys seeing the items and wishing that someday she can buy them all.

We’ve been together for 8 years so there’s not really a lot of surprises I can do. The most straightforward one would be checking out her online shopping cart,” Andrew said.

So, Andrew ordered all the items on her shopping cart, but did not tell her about it. He did make some minor adjustments, such as removing items like clothes that he didn’t think would look best on her and finding better options.

boyfriend surprises girlfriend

Photo credit: Andrew YQ / Facebook

He could barely contain his excitement but had to wait 1 month before the items finally arrived. On June 15, the truck arrives with huge boxes of shopping goods! It was clear in the video that Chia is so happy with the surprise…


What is Taobao?

Taobao is a Chinese online shopping website owned by Alibaba. According to Alexa, it is the world’s biggest e-commerce website.