Angry Mom Calls Out Teacher for Not Washing Son’s Tupperware, Gets Slammed Online

An angry mom tries to call out a kindergarten teacher for not washing her son’s Tupperware, but she was slammed online for being rude to the teacher and expecting her to do something that is not in her job description!

According to World of Buzz, the angry Malaysian mom posted on her Facebook account and shared screenshots of her messages to the teacher.

Wash it! Oh my goodness. Why are you so lazy? Don’t talk about whether they pay you to wash dishes. Just do it out of sincerity,” the mom angrily called out the teacher.

Don’t make me embarrass you. I can make a lot of complains and expose you in our parents Whatsapp group. I can report you as a teacher with no manners!

Photo credit: World of Buzz

Because the teacher did not reply to her angry messages, the Malaysian mom sent screenshots on the Whatsapp group. The Malaysian mom thought that the other parents would take her side and be angry at the teacher, too; but she was surprised when they all sided with the teacher and told her that it is not the teacher’s job to wash her child’s Tupperware.

Soon, the angry mom’s post would reach the teacher’s children. One would post about it – and this would receive much support from the other parents as well as netizens who agreed that it’s not the teacher’s job to wash the Tupperware at all.

Wow. Does she think my mother is a housework laborer? She’s just a kindergarten teacher. You think it’s the teacher’s responsibility to settle everything your child does?” the kindergarten teacher’s child wrote on Facebook, reports World of Buzz.

It’s parents with behavior like this that make their kids hopeless. You haven’t even taught your child how to use the toilet without peeing their pants but expect teachers to help your children to this extent. Tupperware also you want the teacher to wash.

Photo credit: World of Buzz

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What’s a Tupperware?

Tupperware is actually a brand of plastic containers that are often used to store food, especially for packed snacks or meals to bring to school, work, or other places. Because the brand is so well-known, “Tupperware” is used synonymously for any kind of plastic container used to store food, even if it is not actually a Tupperware container.

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