A Woman Asked What She Can Feed Her Dog And Got Big Bags Of Dog Food Instead

When we are at our lowest, most of the time, we can survive even if we just eat anything that we can find at home or anything that we can get our hands on.

However, if you are not alone and you are being depended on by kids or by animals, then you can’t just sit still and wait for help to come.

If people or animals are depending on you, then you have to make your move.

This is what a woman tried to do when she was so broke that she didn’t have money to buy her dog some food.

She took it to Reddit to ask what she can give her dog just until she is able to get some money to buy dog food.

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She posted on Reddit:

“I’m currently broke and I am running low on dog food for my pooch. I have rice, some bean cans, bread and I found 1/3 of peanut butter jar in my cupboard.

I’m getting paid until February 15th. So, this is what I have for all three of us (spouse, doggie, and I) Can I feed her rice and pieces of bread with peanut butter for the meantime??”

She was just asking for an answer if it was ok to feed the dog some rice and bread for the meantime, but those who were able to read her post went over a mile to help her out.

One person asked if she would want her to order online and have some dog food delivered to her house.

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She then created a wishlist, so the kind person can just gift the items to her. But she didn’t stop with dog food, she also sent some ramen and other food to keep her fed until the 15th.

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When she got the package, she posted a photo thanking the people who helped her and promised to pay it forward once she gets herself up.

In times like this, it’s nice to know that some people are willing to back people up and help them stand up.

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