10 “Trivial” Symptoms That May Actually Indicate You Have Cancer

Cancer Research UK recently released a report indicating the rise of cancer occurrence among people born after 1960. New figures suggest that one in two people will develop cancer once in their life.

Although the findings of the research may seem disturbing, the organisation has also found that the survival rate of cancer patients has doubled for the last 40 years. The researchers attributed this to early detection and treatment of disease.

10 “Trivial” Symptoms That Can Actually Indicate You Have Cancer

PHOTO CREDIT: Lung Cancer News Today

Many of us are not familiar with some symptoms of the disease making early detection quite impossible. For most of us, these red flag symptoms may seem trivial that we don’t bother going to a doctor for check-up.

Here are the 10 most common red flag symptoms of cancer listed by the Cancer Research UK.

1. Continuous cough or hoarseness

2. Change in the appearance of a mole

3. Constant change in bowel habits

4. Sore that does not heal

5. Persistent difficulty swallowing

6. Unexplained weight loss

7. Constant change in bladder habits

8. Unexplained lump

9. Persistent unexplained pain

10. Unexplained bleeding

The organisation recommends individuals experiencing any of these symptoms to consult doctors.

Cancer Prevention Tips

In the country, cancer is the third leading cause of death. Breast, cervix, lung, ovary, prostate, mouth, colon and rectum, stomach, and leukemias are the most common types of cancer among Filipinos.

According to Dr. Ma. Angelina Mirasol, President of Philippine Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, cancer survival rates in the Philippines are relatively low due to lack of public awareness.

“Most Filipino cancer patients consult a doctor only when their cancer is already in its advanced stage,” she said.

Philippine Society of Medical Oncology President Dr. Felycette Gay Martinez-Lapus listed some tips in order to prevent cancer.

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables and consume less meat.
  2. Don’t smoke.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. Get hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine.
  5. Maintain healthy weight.
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