Viral Video: Baby Punches Himself in the Face During Mom’s Ultrasound Session

When Kansas City couple Vanessa and Dave Watson went to the doctor for an ultrasound on their 20-week-old, they received the shock of their lives when they saw the child giving himself a swift punch on the face!

They were able to see the action on the screen of the ultrasound machine – and since daddy Dave was filming the ultrasound session, the baby would soon become a viral hit on social media!

The feisty child who already has a name – Edward James or EJ for short – punched himself in the face so hard that his head was knocked backwards by the motion! While some of those who commented on the video claimed that the child actually kicked himself with his left foot and did not punch his face using his left hand, it remained clear that some part of him hit his face quite hard.

After doctors assured the worried parents that their child was perfectly fine and that he was unlikely hurt by his own actions, daddy Dave went ahead and posted the clip on social media where it quickly got the netizens’ attention.

Many netizens are debating about the tiny guy’s personality and how he woud surely be a handful after he is born.

What do you think of this punching/kicking video?

Ultrasound in Pregnancy

While most pregnant women undergo an ultrasound so they will know the gender of their child, the actual procedure actually goes beyond just determining the gender of the baby. Ultrasound technology can help detect birth defects and various pregnancy problems so that the proper solutions can be taken to ensure safety for both the mother and the unborn baby.

An ultrasound not only helps check the baby’s heartbeat or look for abnormal growth/problems in the fetus, it can also confirm and monitor multiple pregnancies, monitor the levels of amniotic fluid, confirm an intrauterine death, and many other purposes.

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