Dedicated Student Takes College Exam Even While in Labor

Despite already being in labor at the Coliseum Medical Center in Macon, Georgia and her contractions being 3 minutes apart, Tommitrise Collins was determined to take her psychology test. She is set to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice in December 2016; thus, she wanted to make sure she’s able to take all her exams on time.

Tommitrise underwent 20 hours of grueling labor yet she resolved to take the exam and pass it before she gives birth. The determined new mom said, “It took me 4-5 hours after the opening of the test to try to put the pain to the side and do it so I wouldn’t have to do it later and I could enjoy my newborn.

Tommitrise’s sister, Shanell Brinkley-Chapman, felt so proud of her sister that she snapped a photo of mom-in-labor while taking the exam. She posted the snapshot on Facebook with a caption, “This is what you call “Strong Priorities”. Contractions 3 minutes apart and still takes her Psychology Test! You are going to be a great Mom baby sis!

The post quickly went viral and received positive comments from the community.

Thankfully, Tommitrise passed the psychology exam and gave birth to a healthy baby girl she named Tyler Elise. According to Mashable, Tommitrise was not so happy with the exam result of “B”; she plans to request the school to allow her to re-take the exam.

She told Fox 5 News, “She is my life now, and the way I look at it is, she will always have me to depend on so my goals will not be put on hold. I don’t want to just barely make it by, I want my child to live comfortably, and I want to show people that just because I am considered a young mother doesn’t mean I have to be considered a bad mother.

This is what you call “Strong Priorities”. Contractions 3 minutes apart and still takes her Psychology Test! You are going to be a great Mom baby sis!

Posted by Shanell Brinkley-Chapman on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Labor and Delivery

Childbirth or delivery is defined as the “culmination of a period of pregnancy with the expulsion of one or more newborn infants from a woman’s uterus.” While most moms experience a normal delivery, there are those who need to undergo a C-section for various reasons.

The length and pain of labor depends on a number of circumstances, with some moms lucky enough to deliver the baby within a few hours of onset while others suffer through days of painful contractions before the child is born.

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