Facts about Cabbage

Let’s say you are a vegetable lover, but do you really know the vegetable you are eating?

Maybe yes and maybe not. Nevertheless, this section will give you a brief presentation on one of the most-loved cruciferous vegetables which is the cabbage. So, read these facts about cabbage!


Fact #1: Rich in Vitamins, Minerals, and More

The fact #1 is true and kids may already know about this. Nonetheless, this is just a recap that cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals. To name a few are vitamins A, B, and K. For the minerals, inclusions are calcium, iron, copper, and magnesium. In addition to this, there are also proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that can be found in cabbage.

Fact #2: It’s Watery

From the appearance itself, you cannot tell that cabbage is abundant in water. Well, if you cook it, you see that it is watery. In fact, cabbage contains 90% of water. Amazing isn’t it?

Fact #3: High Nutritional Value of Protein

Believe it or not, the protein that is found in cabbage has high nutritional value. It is similar to proteins found in eggs and fishes.

Fact #4: Improves Well-Being

Just like any other fruits and vegetables, cabbage is also of great aid to various diseases. Examples of which are anemia, diabetes, constipation, rheumatism, duodenal and gastric ulcer, and even high blood pressure. In addition to this, cabbage can boost your immune system.

Fact #5: Consume it Fresh or Cooked

You have two options in eating cabbage. First is eat it raw or mixed it in a refreshing salad. Lastly, cook the vegetable the way you want it.

Facts Wrap Up!

The facts about cabbage comes in a long list. However, what are listed earlier are the pretty basic on what you should know about this cruciferous vegetable— the properties and what it can do to you. Hope this article helped!

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