Bride’s Father Stops Wedding to Invite Stepfather to Walk Down The Aisle With Them

It is every father’s dream to be able to walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. After all, it’s his way of telling the world that he is finally letting go of his little girl.

When the opportunity came for Todd Bachman to walk his daughter Brittany Peck during her wedding last weekend in Lorain County, Ohio, he decided to share the special moment with an unexpected person.

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

According to Elite Readers, Peck’s stepfather Todd Cendrosky was waiting for his stepdaughter to walk down the aisle when Bachman did something truly remarkable.

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

“He came up to me, reached out and grabbed my hand and he said ‘hey, you’ve worked for this as hard as I have, you deserve this as much as I do, you’re gonna help us walk our daughter down the aisle,’” Cendrosky said.

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

As Bachman puts it, their relationship wasn’t all “peaches and cream” during the past fourteen years. But on his daughter’s special day, Bachman opted to leave the past behind and do something that will truly make Peck happy on the day that mattered the most.

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

PHOTO CREDIT: Delia Blackburn

For me to thank him for all the years of helping raise OUR daughter wouldn’t be enough. There is no better way to thank somebody than to assist me walking her down the aisle,” Bachman said.

Wedding photographer Delia Blackburn beautifully captured the special moment on camera. The heartwarming images, which she posted on Facebook, has earned praises from netizens across the globe.

Who Walks the Bride Down the Aisle?

In most cultures, the father of the bride is the person tasked to walk her down the aisle. This tradition is commonly practiced since the father is the person who provides guidance and support. It is a symbol that the father is “giving away” his daughter.

However, some brides may choose to walk with both parents, while fatherless brides may opt to have their brother, uncle or grandfather walk them down the aisle.