Husband Works Three Jobs to Buy Laptop for Wife Who’s a Teacher

A loving husband who knew the hardships that his wife, a teacher, faced because she didn’t have a laptop tried his best to work three jobs to buy her one! The sweet gesture moved her to tears. Isn’t this so amazing?

Husband Works Three Jobs for Wife’s Laptop

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, most countries are implementing various protocols and policies to help stop the rapid spread of the virus. One of these measures is to implement distance learning through online classes or printed learning modules that the teachers distribute to their students.

Photo credit: shrlamri / TikTok

Shahrul Amri Ibrahim and his wife, Nurul Akma Abd Rashid, both 25, got married last November 2020. Having seen his wife struggle with the school work as she had to borrow laptops from her co-teachers because she doesn’t own one, Shahrul decided to surprise her with one.

Even though she never complained or begged, I felt bad having to watch her go through the inconvenience of borrowing laptops from the school to finish her work,” he explained.

It made me think of giving her a laptop to make her work easier.

Photo credit: shrlamri / TikTok

So, this loving husband decided to find extra jobs to earn some money for his wife’s laptop. Aside from his main job as biomedical technician, he also became a food delivery man and even sold stuff online since December.

He doesn’t earn a lot but was able to find a store selling secondhand gadgets.

I went to the store looking for a used laptop and it fit my budget of RM900 because I couldn’t afford a new one,” he explained.

After being satisfied with the appropriate specifications for my wife’s job, I finally agreed to buy a used laptop.”

On the day he bought the laptop, he first went home to hide the surprise gift under a pillow in their bedroom before picking her up at work.

Photo credit: shrlamri / TikTok

His wife cried upon seeing the sweet surprise. Awww.

For me, happiness cannot be measured by expensive things if we understand and are able to ease the burden of the people we love. I hope with the laptop, I can lighten my wife’s spirit in serving the nation,” he ended.

Kudos to this couple!


Aku yang buat surprise aku yang sebak :’) #fyp#foryou#foryourpage

♬ 幻昼 (Cover Shirfine) – Shirfine

Is It Alright to Buy Secondhand Gadgets?

Yes. Just make sure that you are buying from a legitimate seller and that the item wasn’t stolen. Also, ask whether the shop will replace or service the item, should you discover that it is actually defective.