How to Make a New Year’s Resolution That Might Actually Work

Every single year, nearly everyone makes a new year’s resolution – and end the year with nothing achieved from that list!

So, how can you make a new year’s resolution that might actually work? We’ve prepared these tips to help you, finally, make that resolution come true.

Tip #1. Keep the list short and simple.

Let’s face it. Every New Year’s eve, we make a long list of things we want to achieve for the year but don’t even get anything done.

Why not just focus on one or two goals?

Tip #2. Be practical and realistic.

Make sure that your goal is actually attainable.

For example, while there are people who actually managed to lose 50kg in one year, 10kg might actually be more in your range.

Don’t set a goal of saving Php300k a year when you have lots of debts to pay for, and currently living from paycheck to paycheck. Why not try for Php50k first?

The problem with setting unattainable goals is that you can have so many excuses to quit even when you’re just starting out.

Tip #3. Make a plan.

Now that you’ve set your goals, it’s important to lay out your plan.

For example, you can use the try-and-tested ipon challenge to follow a carefully laid-out plan that can help you save money every week.

If you’re trying to lose weight, start with 15-minute exercises or just go out for a walk. Don’t force yourself to work out several hours a day in the first few weeks. You’ll just end up with bruised, aching muscles – and the perfect excuse to quit.

Tip #4. Make it visible and find someone to do it with you.

Yes, we know that everyone posts their new year’s resolution every single year without much effect.

But that’s still a good way to motivate yourself to do it – that finally, for the first time in so many years, you’re actually going to make it this year.

You can also print out reminders to post in your room or add to your planner.

It’s also a good idea to find someone who’ll do it with you. A weight-loss or savings challenge with friends and family can be more exciting – and that can get better results, especially if you throw in a reward.

You can pool your money at the start of the year – and whoever wins the challenge gets it at the end of the year.

Tip #5. Set your mind to actually do it and regularly track your progress.

The mind is powerful. If you really set your mind to do it, you actually can.

But it really helps to regularly track your progress. If possible, check your progress each week.

If you find yourself veering away from your goals, remind yourself about what you’re trying to do so you can achieve them.

We hope you’ll achieve your goals this year!