Outraged Customer Purchases All iPhones in Store then Destroys Them

What drove a Chinese customer to buy all iPhone units in a store then smash them with a hammer moments later? Apparently, the rich customer threw a very costly tantrum to teach a shop owner a lesson about bad customer service.

The angry customer decided to throw an unusual fit after the shop owner refused to fix an iPhone he earlier bought from them. Instead, he allegedly demanded the customer to just purchase a new unit if he had the money.



Enraged by the arrogant shop owner’s mistreatment, the customer decided to buy all the iPhones in stock. Moments later, he laid the devices on the floor and completely destroyed the gadgets using a hammer. Unfortunately, the furious customer also destroyed everything that was in his way including laptops and glass display boxes.

It was not revealed whether the annoyed client paid for the damages.

Watch the video.


10 Common Examples of Bad Customer Service

Just one incident of bad customer service can make you lose a client for life. Avoid these common examples of bad customer service to show your clients that you value them.

1. Not greeting customers when they walk in the door

Always acknowledge your customers to make them feel that they are a valuable commodity.

2. Eating in front of customers

No one wants to see you talking with food in your mouth, particularly customers.

3. Avoiding eye contact with a customer

You may appear rude if you fail to make eye contact with your customer.

4. Putting a call on hold without informing the client

It’s a common courtesy to tell your customer that your are putting the call on hold.

5. Hanging up on a furious customer

Frustrated customers sometimes need to vent out their concerns before dealing with it rationally. Take time to listen and never hang up on them. If they become abusive, call your manager immediately.

6. Socializing with other employees when there are customers present

Personal conversations with other employees should only be made when there are no customers in the vicinity.

7. Forgetting to say “please” and “thank you”

Common courtesies like “please” and “thank you” exude professionalism.

8. Yelling at a customer

Always deal with a customer in a rational manner. Don’t let your emotions consume you.

9. Bad-mouthing the company to customers

It is inappropriate to complain about your own company to a customer.

10. Using technical jargon when talking to customers

Use language that customers would understand as using a technical jargon may be offensive for some people.

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