Kids’ Heartwarming Answers to “How Are You Different?” Amazes Netizens

Whether we admit it or not, we judge other people based on how they look and how different they are to us. As adults, we often see the color of their skin, whether they have complete limbs or not, and how ‘ugly’ or ‘good-looking’ they might be.

But a video shared by BBC Family & Education News has reminded us that adults are the ones creating labels and that we could learn a lot from the innocence of little children.

A group of kids were paired with their best friends who, as adults would judge, are complete opposites of what they are. For instance, one pair had one white-skinned kid and one dark-skinned kid; another pair had a disabled kid and a ‘normal’ one.

The kids were asked to answer the question “How Are You Different?”

We might expect the pairs to answer based on how the other looked yet these innocent kids had their hearts full of love that they look past their friend’s appearance.

For instance, a white-skinned girl with a dark-skinned disabled friend said, “I’m good at gymnastics and Kayla-Mai is good at swimming.

She didn’t even mention that her limbs were complete and that her friend had dark skin.

Another kid said she’s good at counting while her friend is good in hiding.

The kids’ answers were so untypical of what adults might say that several netizens, adult netizens of course, commented that kids must be color blind and the ones featured on the video were coached on what they should say! That’s rather unfair for these kids, right?

One person explained, “To all the people saying kids don’t see the colour difference… of course they do!! They just don’t see it as a notable difference that needs pointing out!

Watch this video and be touched by these kids’ amazing responses:

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