How to Make Beautiful Vertical Garden in a Few Simple Steps

Many of us are looking for easy ways to update our home and improve its appearance.

Thankfully, we do not really have to spend a lot of money to be able to do that! There are lots of great ideas to find on the web, allowing homeowners to update their homes with just a few simple steps – and most do not cost a lot of money, too.

Take for example this easy project by Miracle-Gro wherein you can make two different vertical gardens in just a few very easy-to-do steps.

The first one, as detailed in the video, is just a row of similarly sized pots which had been cut into two. Each half was glued securely to a board before it was placed on a wall and filled with plants.

Photo credit: YouTube/Miracle-Gro

Photo credit: YouTube/Miracle-Gro

The second project is a vertical garden using differently sized pots, with the largest pots placed at the bottom and the sizes getting smaller as it reaches the top. This second project is probably the easier one to do as all you have to do is to put the pots one on top of the other (but slanting on opposite sides to create the lovely visual effect).

Check out these easy vertical garden projects and try them at home… and come back with some pictures for us!

Vertical Gardening

Having very limited space in your yard is no excuse for not having a garden because you could always put up a vertical garden; though not all plants would ideally be included in such a setup. In a vertical garden, you make use of vertical space instead of having the plants placed in a row on horizontal land.

Vertical gardens are also called green walls since many homeowners make use of their walls or fences to create this type of green space. But just like the exampled shared above, you can also make a stand-alone vertical garden using items such as pots and a freestanding metal.

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