How to Enroll in TESDA Free Online Course

Did you know that it is very easy to enroll in any of the TESDA online courses available for free?

How to Register for TESDA Free Online Program

1. Go to TESDA Online Program.

2. Click on the LOGIN link at the top right corner of the site.


3. You can log in as Guest [check the red arrow in the image below]; though you will only have limited privileges on the site. If you really wish to enroll and make the most of TESDA’s program, register using New Account form or the Create New Account (encircled).

tesda-24. After clicking the link to create a new account, you will reach this page. Fill out everything, including the captcha. Make sure to only use a valid email address because you will need to verify your registration before you can enroll to any of the courses.

After you finish filling out the form, click “Create New Account” at the bottom.


5. If you have successfully completed all the required blanks in then you receive this message. If not, check whether the details you provided were correct.

6. Check your email. You will receive mail similar to this one. Make sure to click the link to confirm your new account.


7. You will be taken to a landing page just like the one above. Check the upper right corner if you were already logged in. If shows that you are not logged in, simply click the “Login” link.


Congratulations! You have successfully registered. It is time for you to enroll in the course you wanted to study. Click NEXT to know How to ENROLL in a TESDA Free Online Course.

How to Enroll in a TESDA Free Online Course

1. To log in, enter your user name and password in the boxes provided.

2. You know you have successfully logged in if your name appears at the upper right corner. You can now take your pick from the many courses offered in the list.


3. If you found something you are interested in, simply click that link. Don’t worry if you mistakenly clicked a link because you can simply hit the “back” button to go back to the list. At the bottom of the list, you can also find your name, signifying that you are logged in.


4. After clicking a course, you will be taken to a list of modules similar to this one. Take note that different courses will have different modules, so don’t worry if you see a different one list from the example we show below.

Click the module you need to study. For first time users, this would surely be Module 1.

5. After clicking the module, you will be taken to this confirmation page. Click “yes” if you wish to enroll in the course module.

6. Once you finished enrolling to the course, you will be taken to this page where you can begin studying the course module you have chosen. The rest of your study materials can be found on the “Resources” link under “Activities” on the left side bar.


7. The online interface also allows you to check your profile.

tesda-12You can also check your  grades and study hours!


Once you are finished with the module, you can choose another one by going back to step 4.

What’s great about the TESDA online courses is that you can enroll in many courses and won’t be charged a single cent!

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