Homeless Man Praised for Selling Lime to Earn Money for Stray Cats’ Food

He does not have a lot of money to even feed himself a good meal every day, yet for a homeless man in Thailand, food for himself is not a big problem as long as he had food for the stray cats he considers as family!

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

Loong Dum lives in the streets of Thailand. He could barely eat, yet he tries to sell lime everyday so he could have some money to feed the stray cats who follow him around.

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

For him, it does not matter that he does not have food because he is used to that, anyway. What matters is that the cats get to eat! Isn’t that so noble?

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

I’m fine with skipping meals, but the cat needs to eat,” Loong said.

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

Putting up a sign that says “20 baht per bag, profits will pay for stray cat’s food expenses”, Loong would sell lime in the streets. Many people shun him for his unkempt appearance, yet Loong simple wants to earn money for the stray cats.

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

A young woman named Warunya Wattanasupachoke saw him selling limes and was amazed that he was doing it for the cats – and so amazed was she that she took some photos to share online, urging netizens to buy lime from Loong so he could feed these felines.

We shouldn’t judge someone based on their appearance. Take Loong Dum for example. Though he is homeless and rugged-looking, he has a big heart,” Warunya said.

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

Thanks to Warunya’s post, a lot of people came to Loong’s spot to buy lime. He now has money to buy a lot of food for his cats! But aside from buying lime, many netizens also came to bring food for Loong and his cats. He was photographed as he danced with joy over the gifts.

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

He was also given a makeover to look cleaner so that he could sell more lime for his stray cats.

Photo credit: Warunya Wattanasupachoke / Cats and Kittens

Faith in humanity restored.