Hardworking 72-Year-Old Vendor Refuses Help Amid COVID-19 Lockdown

She’s 72 years old but vendor Huang Lai Mei in Seremban, Malaysia, is refusing any help from the government or private individuals who tried to give her food packs and donations to survive amid the COVID-19 crisis. For Huang, she’s still healthy and has complete hands and legs – as long as she has all those, she’s refusing help from anyone!

Vendor Refuses COVID-19 Assistance

vendor refusing food packs and donations

Photo credit: Sin Chew Daily

A regular sight in the streets of Seremban, Malaysia, Huang has been selling snacks for many years. She’s so popular in the area that she’s known as the “Snacks Grandma” among the locals. She’s a friendly vendor who pushes her cart around the town to sell various snacks in the streets.

When Malaysia imposed the Movement Control Order (MCO), people like Huang had to stop going around the town to sell. Everyone is greatly affected by the order, but it is necessary to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19.

As local government units and charitable institutions sent help to the people, Huang refused to accept any of the food packs, relief goods, and even financial donations! For Huang, there are others who are in a far worse situation than she is in; they deserve the help more.

She surprised everyone, especially because a lot of people much younger than her are hating their governments for not providing enough food.

vendor refusing food packs and donations

Photo credit: Sin Chew Daily

I have enough food to feed myself. If I take what is offered to me, it will deprive others of the food. Besides, I am physically able to support myself. I have hands and feet, I can still support myself,” this admirable old lady said.

She has repeatedly turned down any help from charitable institutions, except the one that offered her a face mask. What an admirable lady!

vendor refusing food packs and donations

Photo credit: Sin Chew Daily

Why MCO is Necessary?

In many places, the MCO or its equivalent is ordered by the government to stop the spread of COVID-19. It is necessary to ensure that the highly contagious virus is not transmitted. Viruses, including the coronavirus that causes this disease, are not really alive but can replicate fast with a host. If they don’t find a host, they simply stop replicating and eventually stop existing.