Guy Buys Birthday Bouquet for Self Because He’s Never Received One Before

A guy recently went viral for buying a birthday bouquet for himself. His reason? Well, he’s never received one before. Since his birthday is coming up and he knew he’d never get one if he waited, he decided to simply buy one for himself! Cool or not cool?

Guy Buys Birthday Bouquet for Self

Would you buy a gift for yourself? While many would say that it is crazy, even pointless, to buy a gift for yourself, the reality is that it is perfectly alright! In fact, self love is now being promoted these days. With self love, you can learn to be happy even when you are alone, single, or with a partner but feeling unsatisfied with the relationship!

Tamil Arasan Veeran shared the story of how he bought a bouquet for himself – and he was surprised that it would actually go viral!

According to Tamil, his birthday was on March 13. He thought of ordering a “birthday surprise” for himself from a store selling birthday bouquets. While chatting with the seller, he got a good laugh over how the seller was shocked that he was ordering the bouquet for himself.

Photo credit: Tamil Arasan Veeran

Tamil told the seller that the delivery address is his home address. The seller thought that he’s ordering for someone at their home. Tamil was told that this is the first time such an order was received by the shop! LOL

It’s seriously for me. I’m asking you to deliver me the bouquet for my birthday as a surprise,” Tamil added.

No one has ever given me a surprise for my birthday like this and no one is probably ever going to do it. So I decided to order one for myself. Can you complete the order?

The surprised seller replied, “I’ll do it, don’t worry. But I’m not sure if I should laugh at you or feel sorry for you however, right now, I just can’t stop laughing.

Happy birthday, Tamil! Great surprise! LOL

Creative Birthday Bouquet

These days, there are many creative birthday bouquets you can order or prepare. While flowers are still popular, other options are the following:

  • Money bouquet
  • Chocolate bouquet
  • Teddy bear bouquet
  • Beer bouquet
  • Fruit bouquet
  • Vegetable bouquet
  • Stuffed toy bouquet