Dentistry Student Helps Old Man Struck by a Jeep

An old man was bleeding from his head wounds and sitting on the sidewalk after he was struck by a jeep along a busy road in the Philippines but a kind dentistry student immediately applied first aid and did not leave his side until he was safe enough to go home.

The kind deed was captured on camera by someone at the scene and shared by the old man’s son, Marvs Rojas, on Facebook where it quickly went viral. In the post, Rojas thanked the kind girl who was initially identified as a nursing student.

Rojas requested netizens to help him find this Good Samaritan so he could thank her personally. After all, she could have easily left the old man because he was not her relative or even acquaintance and she might already be late for wherever it is she was heading to yet she chose not to leave. Instead, she held a cloth over his dad’s head to help stop the bleeding.

It was pure kindness to help a bleeding stranger – and that’s just what the student did!

After the post went viral, it came to the attention of the student who identified herself as a dentistry student, not a nurse. Ace D. Cancino told Rojas that she was glad to have helped his dad and that she was hopeful the old man was recuperating well after the ordeal.

As of press time, Rojas and Cancino have already become Facebook friends…

Here’s Rojas’ viral post:

Head Wounds Bleed a Lot

Have you ever noticed that head wounds tend to bleed more than similarly sized wounds in other parts of the body? In fact, even small head wounds tend to bleed a lot!

The reason for this is that the scalp has more blood vessels close to the surface of the skin compared with other parts of the body.

Despite knowing this fact, it is still important to 1) make sure to stop the bleeding as soon as possible to prevent massive loss of blood and 2) to determine whether the wound needs emergency treatment at a medical facility. If not sure about what to do, call emergency services ASAP! It is always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to head wounds.

H/T: The DailyPedia

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