Get a Degree through an Online Course Even While You’re at Home

Working students and professionals who wish to take a second course may now take an online course to obtain a new degree or diploma/certificate to the course.

Thanks to the internet, it is now easier for people to learn something new online. There’s even better news: some of these online degrees are actually offered for free!

Moreover, you can study even while you are in the comforts of your own home.

Where to Study

There are several schools that offer online courses so you can earn a degree. For college level, these are called open universities while the preferred term for lower education [from pre-school to high school] is homeschool.

For those who prefer homeschooling, they can either do their own research on materials they want their kids to learn or they can follow homeschool programs from schools accredited by the Department of Education (DepEd).

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As for open university programs, students often have to enroll with the university [they can do so online] and are given modules to study. They are able to take degree or non-degree courses. The course choices largely depend on the school they enrolled in.

Examples of schools with open university programs:

  • University of the Philippines, Open University (UPOU)
  • Benguet State University
  • Asian Institute for Distance Education
  • Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Open University (PLM OU)
  • Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Open University (PUP OU)
  • CLSU Open University

Some of these schools offer homeschooling programs for younger students while others only cater to college level students. A few, such as CLSU and UPOU also provide post-graduate and doctoral levels.

Advantages of Studying Online

Getting a degree via modules you study online provide several obvious advantages. The best of this is that anyone with access to the internet is able to enroll and learn. Thus, the program is excellent for working students, professionals who are juggling regular jobs, stay-at-home parents, those with physical disabilities, and people who may not have a lot of money to enroll in regular universities.

It is also easier for people to learn when they are not tired or stressed out. By getting a degree online, the student can study anytime and anywhere. So, you can learn your course in your own home even while you are just wearing pajamas. You can study in the morning, in the afternoon, or just late at night. No one limits your time.

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With access to the internet, the student can easily research other information about the subject being discussed in the modules.

There are also sites that offer free learning to students. In the Philippines, TESDA offers provides free online courses for everyone.

See – TESDA Offers Free Online Courses for Everyone

Disadvantages of Learning via an Online Course

It is easy to get lazy when there is no teacher trying to push you to learn before the midterms and finals arrive. Thus, the downside to studying online is that you can always put off learning because you had better, more urgent things to do. You might end up sleeping while studying because you feel very comfortable in your own home.


Even when the learning materials are easily available, there are subject matters or topics that might need some extra explanations from a teacher in order for you to truly comprehend what these mean. Of course, you can always find more information online but it would have been faster and easier if a seasoned teacher were to explain that for you.

You can learn everything you know about the course yet you won’t be able to get your diploma unless you take accreditation examinations. But then, how could you gauge if you truly understood the lessons if you don’t take the tests?

Of course, there are also limitations as to what courses can be offered online because some degrees would require hands-on learning with the use of instruments.

Obtaining a degree through an online course has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. It is up to you to make it work to your favor.