Dealing with the Top 3 Struggles of Working at Home

While working at home is one of the best jobs in the world because, ideally, you get to spend more time with your family than if you had to head off to some office each day, there are struggles that you do have to deal with which could affect productivity and your health.

Don’t worry because there are tried and tested ways to deal with the top 3 struggles of working at home. Check them out:

The Bed is Very Inviting….

There is this notion that freelancers working at home get to work in their pajamas – a truth that applies to many of us! Although this is a positive aspect of working at home as you don’t have to spend money on clothes to impress your bosses and clients, it does make you a little bit lazier in a sense that you don’t even have to fix yourself before you hit your office.


To solve this issue and make you kick into work mode at a faster pace, it would be best if you take a bath and dress up before starting your work schedule for the day. Bathing perks up your body and gets you ready to work while dressing up a bit makes you less inclined to hit the sheets again.

Plus, if you could place your office (or at least your computer/laptop) as far away from the bed as possible, do so. Set aside a space in your house (away from the bedroom) for your office. If that is not possible at all, then at least make sure you aren’t near the bed.

I Have Lots of Free Time!

This is a huge struggle among freelancers who have this mistaken notion that they have a lot of time in their hands. While this is true in many cases, this gives them a false sense of security. They could end up struggling to make up for lost time because they took on more projects they could actually handle or slacked off in their schedule thinking they could still do it.

To deal with this issue, plan out your day and take note of the actual time you need to accomplish certain tasks. Learn to prioritize. As much as possible, work on your projects first before going out with friends or doing tasks like heading to the mall to buy some stuff.

I Have Lots of Food!

Great! One of the things I realized about working at home is that I never go hungry because I can take breaks anytime I want to – or even bring food on my desk without fear that the boss will send me a memo for doing so. This brought some unwanted side effects though: more time to eat meant it was easier for me to go overweight!


Coupled with less physical activity, indeed the abundance of food led to weight issues. This is possible the most difficult struggle to manage in this list but not entirely impossible. Self-control is the key. If possible, schedule snack and meal breaks like in a real office setting – and think about not bringing food to the office as this could attract ants and roaches that could destroy your PC!

We hope this tips will help you!

Also check out: How to Stay Organized and Motivated While Working from Home

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