Creative Mangyan Kid Builds Toy Vehicles To Raise Funds For School Rest Room

A touching story of a boy from the Mangyan tribe of Mindoro has just gone viral online.

This 11-year-old kid named Jupel has caught the attention of many because of his amazing creativity and good heart. Besides, he makes toy vehicles from old slippers and they are impressively detailed.

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Looking at his creations, you will be impressed with the fact that he didn’t even use any adhesives such as glue or paste. Instead, he simply uses sticks to connect the rubber pieces which he cuts using a native bolo knife. You’d think the awesome-looking toy vehicles are created by a skilled craftsman instead of a young boy.

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Jupel has been born from a poor family and walks barefoot 20 minutes daily to make it to Casillon Elementary School where he studies. He sells the toy vehicles (ranging from jeepneys to tricycles) but instead of using the money for himself or his family, he plans to donate the funds for his school’s rest room.

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Jupel’s generosity has touched many. We hope many will reach out to this boy and help fund his studies. It’s amazing how such a kid from a poor family can be so selfless, despite lacking the necessities of life. We likewise hope people would help his school in having a comfort room for the students.

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Photo credits: TopGearPH

Kudos to you, Jupel, for being an example for all young students!

Importance of Waste Recycling

Environmental advocates have also taken keen interest on the fact on Jupel’s innovative display of recycling skills. Excessive garbage is a global problem and recycling is always a good way to conserve natural resources. Particularly, plastic, rubber, and electronics are among the biggest concerns.

When we recycle, instead of throwing garbage, we reduce the need to purchase new items and this contributes to conservation of resources.