MINDANAO, Philippines – The old adage “Birds of a feather, flock together” applies to many situations – and in the case of three friends who all graduated magna cum laude, the saying couldn’t be more true!
Three friends graduated from Mindanao State University College of Education Training Department (MSU-CETD): George Doroteo Andres, Jr; Allen Reynaldo Ocampo Cruz, and Michael Roy Vencer Malaluan. They went their separate ways in college to pursue their dreams yet they remained friends and kept their communication lines open.
Andres studied Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology at General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Cruz took up Bachelor of Science in Business Economics at the University of the Philippines – Diliman, and Malaluan also took Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology just like Andres, but in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University.
They lived and studied in different places yet these three are destined for greatness! They worked hard to reach their dreams, focusing on their studies and doing the best they could in every aspect of their college lives.
Their hard work and determination paid off – as they graduate this year, all three receive the prestigious Latin honor of magna cum laude from their respective degrees in their respective schools! Indeed, these three good friends are very intelligent – and it was easy to see why they became friends yet it was also quite a shock to the social media community to discover such an amazing group of friends!
It would be quite difficult to find another set of friends as awesome as this one! Congratulations to the three of you. Keep the friendship and keep up the good work!
‘Barkada’ is a Filipino term used to mean a ‘group of friends’. Oftentimes, parents have this notion that their children’s ‘barkada’ are the ones influencing their kids to be bad or do bad things yet this is not always true – and as exemplified by the story above, the barkada can also be the best inspiration to strive harder and become successful in life.