A Rapist Got Her Pregnant in Her Teens; 77 Years Later She Meets the Baby She Sent for Adoption

While having a picnic with friends in the woods in 1928, 16-year-old Minka Disbrow was assaulted and raped by three men. A few months after the cruel act of violence, Minka learned she was pregnant.

The poor farm girl was sent by her mom and stepfather to a Lutheran home for pregnant girls. Eventually, she gave birth to a blond-haired baby she named Betty Jane.

Initially, Minka wanted to raise her daughter, but the teenager knew she couldn’t provide the best  for Betty Jane. She had no choice but to send her daughter for adoption.

“I loved that baby so much. I wanted what was best,” Minka said.

Over years, the longing mother wrote letters to the adoption agency to get updates about Betty Jane. Her daughter was always in her thoughts, especially every 22nd of May, which was Betty Jane’s birthday.

More than 7 decades later, Minka asked God for a chance to meet her long-lost child.

“Lord, if you would just let me see her. I promise you I will never bother her,” Minka prayed.

Then the unthinkable happened. After a judge released Betty Jane’s sealed adoption records, a woman named Ruth Lee called her on the phone. It turns out, the woman is actually her daughter Betty Jane.

Be moved by their heartwarming reunion.

The  Consequences and Risks of Teen Pregnancy

Aside from the financial and emotional difficulties of raising a child at an early age, teenage parents and their children usually face several other difficulties. Here are some of them as listed by Health Communities.

For teen parents, teen pregnancy usually leads to:

  • Lower annual income for moms
  • Higher tendency to drop-out at school
  • Teen fathers have the tendency to be involved in alcohol and substance abuse. They also tend to have lower educational levels as well as reduced earning potential.

Children conceived by moms under the age of 20 are also at risk of health, social, and emotional issues.

  • Infants born to teenage moms usually have low birthweight.
  • Children born to teenage moms are at risk for lower academic achievement since they are less likely to get proper nutrition, health care as well as social stimulation.
  • They are also at risk for child abuse and neglect.