7 Reasons Why Laughter is the Best Medicine

The phrase “laughter is the best medicine” is a popular saying in all parts of the world. However, only a few are aware of the specific health benefits of laughing. Aside from increasing one’s happiness and binding people together, laughter is believed to be a powerful antidote to pain, stress and certain diseases.

According to Dr. Paul McGhee, an individual’s sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools that make certain that emotional state and mood support good health.


Free and with no negative side effects, here are the 7 physical and mental health benefits of laughter according to Little Things.

1. It’s a fun way to shrink your waistline.

Remember how your abs hurt from laughing so much? Although laughing can’t replace exercise such as sit-ups, it does burn calories and make your core muscles work.

2. It improves your overall cardiovascular health.

Laughing is considered great for your heart health since it gets your heart pumping. As a result, your blood flow and the strength of your heart are improved.

3. It boosts your immune system.

Laughing may boost your immune system and improve your body’s ability to fight off things that make you sick.

4. It makes you feel relaxed instantly.

The act of laughing causes dopamine, a feel-good chemical creating happiness and forcing all core muscles to clench up, flood your brain. As a result, your muscles will relax instantly for about 45 minutes once you stop laughing.

5. It can banish anxiety and depression temporarily.

Laughter may not solve your big problems in life but it’s a great way to combat depression, anxiety and even anger temporarily.

6. It strengthens relationships.

Whether it’s friendship or a romantic relationship, laughter is a great way to strengthen any bond.

7. It boosts your confidence.

A known confidence booster, sharing a laugh with someone actually makes you braver and more comfortable with the crowd.

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