5 Ways to Overcome Loneliness

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

There’s loneliness, and then there’s solitude. Loneliness is the negative experience of solitude. Put differently, you are unhappy about being alone.

If you’re dealing with loneliness, you are not the only one. Even though we live in a hyper-connected world with the internet and social media, in many ways it is easier to feel more disconnected than ever.

So, whether you’re having trouble finding a girlfriend or boyfriend or would simply like more friends, read on to learn about five ways that you can overcome your loneliness.


5 Ways to Work on Overcoming Loneliness

While moving past loneliness can be a challenge, it is certainly possible. Beyond this article, there are many helpful resources available online that may benefit you as you seek to feel less lonely.

Now, let’s look at five ways that you can work on overcoming your loneliness.

Focus on Existing Relationships

Almost all of us have some kinds of relationships, even if they’re family or work colleagues.

So, if you’re feeling lonely, consider reaching out to the people whom you already know and those who are around you.

Just because you haven’t talked with someone in a while, or because they’re a coworker, doesn’t mean that you can’t catch up or get to know each other better.

Take up a Hobby

Hobbies are not just for kids and retirees. In fact, hobbies have many great benefits. They can help reduce stress and may also improve your cognitive skills (depending on the hobby, e.g. playing a musical instrument, learning a language, or working on puzzles).

Another great aspect of hobbies is that many of them are (or can be) community focused. So, whatever you’re passionate about, consider getting into it as a hobby and looking for in-person and/or online communities of people who are into the same thing.

Consider Groups and Clubs

This is similar to the hobby example above. No matter what you’re into in life, there are groups and clubs out there for you.

Finding a hiking club, an anime club, a drinking group, a volunteer group, a church group, etc. and connecting with people who share your interests will make a big difference in helping you feel less lonely.

Flee the Comfort Zone

Most people settle into their comfort zone and never want to leave it. Nothing could be worse for personal growth, however. Traveling, meeting people, trying new things—these are all part of what makes life special.

By getting out of your comfort zone and making an effort to meet people, you’ll give yourself the vital opportunity to make new friends. This is a sure way to reduce your loneliness significantly.

Try Volunteering

Volunteering almost always means being around others. This activity will not only boost your overall well-being and make a difference in the world, but it can also lead to meaningful friendships with like-minded people.

Check locally for volunteer organizations that you can join so you can start making your own community a better place to live and make some friends at the same time.

Seek Help

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek out counseling if you are having significant trouble with loneliness. If your loneliness is bringing down your overall well-being on a daily basis, it’s definitely worth considering outside help.


Loneliness seems like it should be less of a problem nowadays. After all, we’re always “connected” to one another with the internet and social media—at least, that’s what Facebook would like you to believe.

The reality is that loneliness is a major problem for many people. The tips in the above article will help you work on overcoming your loneliness, but don’t hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional if you need it.

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