LOOK: 80-Year-Old Grandpa Walks 20 Kilometers a Day to Sell ‘Bagoong’

Despite being over 80 years old, a Filipino grandfather known as Manong Lauro would walk for around 20 kilometers a day from his home in Bitukang Manok, Pandi in Bulacan, Philippines to Real de Cacarong, Pandi also in Bulacan so he could sell ‘bagoong’ or shrimp paste, a popular Filipino condiment.

Bringing a pail of bagoong to Bitukang Manok earns Manong Lauro around Php50 ($1.08); thus, he deems it best to walk rather than ride any form of public transport since a huge chunk of his daily earnings would surely be used up on fares if he rides a jeep.

After his story went viral on Trending Pinoy Videos’ Facebook page, a lot of netizens commented that at his age, Manong Lauro should not be carrying a pail of bagoong and walking 20 kilometers a day to earn a living which is actually a pittance considering that the minimum wage in Bulacan area is around Php300 ($6.5).

Moreover, at his age, most old people are already enjoying retirement yet Manong Lauro has to go out each day so he could earn a living.

Still, Trending Pinoy Videos and most of those who commented on Manong Lauro’s photos commend his perseverance and believe that he is far nobler than many people these days, especially criminals and those who are not working and just waiting for their family members to feed them even if they are able-bodied and are still young enough to work.

There were also netizens who commented that with the upcoming elections in the Philippines, they hope that whoever wins the presidential race would look into the plight of many poor, old people in the country as a lot of them are living like Manong Lauro.

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